Tail Wagging Drawings, Photographs and Website Design
By Award Winning Artist, Photographer and Designer Terri L. Crisp
Happily Creating Since 2014
Website best viewed on a computer or tablet. Complete site NOT available on cell phones for design reasons.

Inspiring Ideas Welcomed

When you work in an art studio all day - by yourself - it can be really quiet. Actually, my Iraqi rescued cat Missy May, my Iraqi rescued dog Bonzo and his sister Sandy and my Thailand rescued dog Autumn, do keep me company. However, try as they might, they have not yet mastered the art of verbal communication. When I show them a finished drawing and ask them what they think, I assume the dog's wagging tails and Missy May's purrs are their ways of giving me a thumbs up. To be sure though, I welcome hearing from people who can express themselves with words to share their thoughts about my drawings. Artists love watching new ideas blossom and sometimes they come from unexpected sources.

Missy May
My Resident Art Critics

Paw of Approval
